
The rock and ice mechanics lab at Lamont-Doherty is led by PIs Christine McCarthy and Ben Holtzman. Now, more than ever, we are in the process of growing our lab and building our experimental program. Along with a team of postdocs, undergrads, grads, techs, and longtime staff engineer Ted, we are rehabilitating and revamping some of the old equipment and building and buying new rigs for exciting new experiments on both rock and ice. You can follow along with our progress here.

Tuesday 1 January 2019

Rock Mechanics at AGU

This year's AGU was held in DC. It was fun to check out a new venue, but not fun getting lost trying to find everything. The convention space, which connected underground to the Marriott next door, was just cavernous. And I don't think we've all really mastered where to put ourselves.
Despite that, I did manage to make it to most everyone's posters ...

...including my own (though my shift was at 8am, so it was rough)