
The rock and ice mechanics lab at Lamont-Doherty is led by PIs Christine McCarthy and Ben Holtzman. Now, more than ever, we are in the process of growing our lab and building our experimental program. Along with a team of postdocs, undergrads, grads, techs, and longtime staff engineer Ted, we are rehabilitating and revamping some of the old equipment and building and buying new rigs for exciting new experiments on both rock and ice. You can follow along with our progress here.

Monday 31 July 2017

Science Cheerleader is back

I haven't done much work with Science Cheerleaders lately, what with all the babies and what not. But when they got in touch about an outreach opportunity just down the road from Lamont, I couldn't resist. The Tenafly Public Library was hosting a girls STEM camp focusing on robotics. Sandra and I came out to talk about our careers (Sandra actually works with robotic physical therapy systems) and answer questions about how to pursue science. They had so many great questions. It was a blast.

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